What I Offer

Mantra & Medicine weekend retreat
Our seasonal retreats offers a full program of guided practices and rituals. They are unique portals, guiding you into exploring various aspects of the human experience through music and practices from traditions around the world

Medicine Journey
Our plant medicine journeys with psilocybin are fully guided by our live music, and are a beautiful way to communicate with your higher self.

Singing Circle with Cacao
This Singing Circle is an intimate gathering on a sunday evening in the beautiful wooden yurt ‘The Temple of Light,’ where we come together to sing and make music.

Private Soundhealing
In the intimate cocoon of my one-on-one sessions, I will take you on a journey with the help of different instruments, each with their unique tone, and my voice.

In my Vinyasa & Yin Yoga classes we explore the bodies natural way of moving. I invite you to feel into your own body and move from deeply felt sensation.

Work with me
Want to offer a soundhealing or mantra circle at your own event? Don’t hesitate to contact me!