Mantra & Medicine
weekend retreat
In our Mantra & Medicine retreats, we aim to reconnect you to the mystical aspect of life and help you refind your deeper spiritual essence. We use music and singing as powerful tools for self-realisation, inviting you to discover the immense transformative power of your own voice. Through sound, we bridge the inner and outer worlds, reconnecting us to the divine within. Each retreat is aligned with the energy of the season and offers a full program of guided practices and rituals. They are unique portals, guiding you into exploring various aspects of the human experience through music and practices from traditions around the world.
Breathe and be

Sound and music have been used since ancient times for healing and transformation. Indigenous cultures and ancient civilisations understood that the voice could carry intentions, prayers, and emotions to the divine realms. I believe it to be a powerful tool that has the ability to transform any negative energies within the body and open gateways for our life-force to flow. When we chant mantras or sing beautiful songs, we harmonise and synchronize the internal rhythms of the mind and body. Singing is a language of emotions. It can tap into the depths of one’s feelings, revealing layers of suppressed emotions or unspoken truths. Singing with purpose and intention helps infusing each note with the energy of your desires.

The transformative power of music
Our voice is an instrument. Liberating it can help you heal and express your truth. Every sound, every song, every vibration has a different effect on our body. This is why we integrate music from all over the world because we believe in inviting and experiencing áll aspects of life. The light, the love, the bliss, but also the darkness and the rawness. Working with these different energies helps us grow and become more of who we really are.
Through the seasons

Mantra & Medicine weekend
Call of the North
Learning to accept the light ánd the darkness within yourself, others and life, is a huge gift. By bringing consciousness to the depths of our soul, we are able to clear our energetic body and use our life force to reclaim and rebirth our true and beautiful self.
Mantra & Medicine weekend
The Path of Light
In this retreat, we draw upon Yogic and Buddhist traditions. Let yourself be carried away by stories from ancient India, tales of deities, and beautiful Sanskrit and Tibetan mantras. These songs carry a deep resonance, invoking energies of healing, transformation, and connection to our highest self. Through devotion we open ourselves to something greater. Our sense of separation dissolves, and we experience the oneness that lies at the heart of all existence
Mantra & Medicine weekend
Voice of the Desert
Mantra & Medicine weekend
Spirit of the Earth
Medicine songs can take you on a spiritual journey while grounding you and bringing you back into our body at the same time.

The Facilitators
We, Robert and Pleuni, are musicians and who believe in the power of sound as a gateway to transformation. Our journey together began in a small singing circle years ago. Since then, we have been guiding people through ceremonies and rituals, where music becomes a bridge to something deeper. We create spaces for those who seek to travel beyond the noise, to listen deeply, and rediscover the sacred within.
With a blend of vocals, guitar, shruti box, and medicine drum, we bring depth and presence to every journey, weaving together mantras, medicine songs, and prayers from different cultures. For us, music is more than a melody. It’s a way to remember.
In the Mantra & Medicine Retreat, we guide you through the light as well as the dark, using sound as a thread to lead you inward.
The Vibe ❤︎

Medicine songs & Mantra’s
Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt ~
Om: The primeval sound
Bhur: the physical body/physical realm Bhuvah: the life force/the mental realm Suvah: the soul/spiritual realm
Tat: That (God)
Savitur: the Sun, Creator (source of all life) Vareñyam: adore
Bhargo: effulgence (divine light)
Devasya: supreme Lord
Dhīmahi: meditate
Dhiyo: the intellect
Yo: may this light
Nah: our
Prachodayāt: illumine/inspire
When the fire in my soul Burns a longing for the goal And I know in my heart it is you
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma
In the deep on the night From the darkness shines the light And I know in my heart it is you
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma
When the truth is revealed All the sorrows shall be healed And I know in my heart it is you.
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma